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Big Island Botanical Gardens

By May 14, 2020March 27th, 2022No Comments

An Overview of Big Island Botanical Gardens Plant Diversity and Climate The quantity and variety of plants and flowers that call the Big Island of Hawaii home is truly astonishing. Some of the Big Island botanical gardens have over two thousand varieties of plants growing on their grounds. This diversity is largely due to the wide range of climate zones across the island, mixed with the consistent temperatures of those zones. The Big Island possesses the highest concentration of climate zones of any place in the world: 4 out of 5 Major climate zones and 10 out of 13 sub-zones. The climate diversity makes it the perfect setting for incredible botanical gardens to thrive all around the island. Plant Hardiness Zones Plant hardiness zones identify the location of environmental conditions under which a species or variety of plants can successfully survive and grow. Hawaii is one of the warmest areas on the USDA map with 9 plant hardiness zones. These zones are determined by the average annual extreme minimum temperature. For instance, the Kona Coffee belt lies in Hardiness Zone 11b & 12a with a minimum average low of 45-55 degrees, perfect for growing world famous Kona Coffee. List of Big Island Botanical Gardens The only way to truly understand the diversity of plant life in Hawaii is to experience it, so make sure to visit some of the Big Island botanical gardens during your visit. You will see why the term ‘tropical garden paradise’ is so appropriate. Click on the name of the garden below to read more about each of these incredible places. “How deeply seated in the human heart is the liking for gardens and gardening.” Alexander Smith Botanical World Gardens & Adventures Botanical World Adventures is home to World Botanical Gardens, Maze and Waterfalls in Hakalau on the Hamakua Coast. This adventure includes Zip Isle, Zip Line and Segway® Off Road Adventure Tours also.