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1. Call a Full-Time REALTOR

Self-promotion aside, speaking with a dedicated REALTOR right off the bat is helpful in many ways. Need financing? We can connect you with a few tried and true lending sources. Curious about what a certain dollar amount buys? We can tell you what kinds of properties are selling for in your desired area. I can’t stress enough about working with a full-timer, who’s dedicated to the job day-in, day-out. We’ll know about off-market gems or be the first to call when something new (and perfect for you) hits the market. We’re your “person on the ground” while you’re 3,000 miles away on the Mainland. Having an established, trusted relationship with your real estate agent makes the buying process much smoother (and more fun).

2. Create a FREE Auto-Search

Forget the time consuming “browse properties on the weekend” search strategy. An auto-search does all the heavy lifting for you, delivering custom property matches immediately to your inbox. Reach out to your real estate agent for a quick 5-minutes-or-less conversation to discuss your search criteria. After that, you’re set! You’ll receive a consolidated email with all matching properties for sale within 24-hours. Then going forward, you’ll only periodically receive new search result properties as they come onto market. Your agent will ask you a few questions so the search is perfectly tailored to fit your individual needs:

Location – What side of the island or town