Hawaii Beaches are Frequently Visited by Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles The number of incredible marine and wildlife species found in the state of Hawaii is as numerous as it is varied, including Hawaiian green sea turtles. More than 20 national wildlife refuges exist throughout the Hawaiian islands, where hundreds of endemic species of marine life and land-based animals have evolved in relative isolation for millions of years, resulting in some of the most diverse and interesting species anyplace in the world. Among the most prized and revered animals in the state are Hawaiian green sea turtles. Commonly called the green sea turtle or Pacific green turtle, these magnificent creatures are referred to by their Hawaiian name “honu.” They are typically only 2 inches long when they hatch, but grow to 3-4 feet in length and weigh around 300-400 pounds as adults. The largest one ever found was 5 feet long and 871 pounds! They can live to be more than 80 years old, it’s hard to know just how old, because they usually outlive the length of the research. Green Sea Turtles are listed as both an endangered and threatened species, depending on the region of the world you are in. It’s illegal to interfere with or approach honu within ten feet, so always be aware and don’t wander too close to these protected animals. Honu are absolutely worth seeking out to simply observe and admire from a safe distance. If seeing a green sea turtle is high on your Big Island vacation itinerary, these areas won’t disappoint: Sea Turtles Frequent Punalu’u Black Sand Beach Ninole Loop RdNaalehu, HI 96772(808) 961-8311 A true black sand beach made from basalt and ancient lava flows, this rocky, harsh beach makes for a perfect resting place for honu as well as offering spectacular views of the dark coastline against crisp white waters. This isn’t always the best spot for swimming, but sightseeing and picnicking are popular activities for locals and tourists alike. Green Se
Big Island Beaches to Spot Green Sea Turtles
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