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If home is where the heart is, then my heart is in full working condition. Our family made the move to Hawaii as a leap of faith, and one of the first things I set out to do was find a home, not just a house. However, the process of choosing a location for your home in Hawaii can be challenging. Elevation above sea level makes a difference in climate. Roads travel up winding mountain sides rather than in a grid pattern. Knowing how these things factor into your choice of a home can be complicated.

At the end of the home buying road though, is a great reward. Our desire is to make the process simple and fun for you. After all, you are buying a home in Hawaii! It should be fun, and we plan on making the process as painless as possible.

Buying a home in Hawaii is a unique experience, but it can be fun and exciting. Working with your Realtor should be all about finding a home that fits your personality and life goals.

One of the main reasons we got into the business of helping people buy homes is because of our deep-seated belief that most of life’s most memorable moments happen inside the four walls of a house. My husband, Mike, and I have remodeled, designed, or built various homes over the years. We didn’t do it simply because we loved the manual labor or creative aspect. (Though we do love those things!) We designed our homes to fit our family’s needs and personalities. There are few things more stressful than being in a home that simply doesn’t work for you.

Ask Yourself: What Do I Want in a Home?

A home has to feel right. For example, if you are someone who enjoys cooking in peace and quiet, an open concept living space may not be a good fit for you. As I scan available listings, my mind weeds out the houses with a large open living and kitchen area, and saves those that feature a sectioned off kitchen because my hunches tells me this is a set up that will make a home “feel right” for you.

I can honestly say that I get a thrill before showing someone a house. To see someone walk into a space that I think matches their personalities and goals is almost like watching one of my children open a gift. Almost!

As you think about buying a home in Hawaii, think carefully about what you really want in a house. Is your house a quiet sanctuary from the busy day? Is it a place for friends and family to gather around a large kitchen table? As we talk with clients, we listen for these kinds of unsaid truths. We want to know how you will use your home, and what kind of living style you have in mind. Of course we also want to know how many bedrooms and bathrooms you need, but what we’re really listening for is your hopes and dreams.

If your move to Hawaii stems from a need for space and tranquility, a home along a busy street is probably not for you. Perhaps you have a growing family and plan on coaching your child’s baseball team. If you envision cleats and socks scattered around your floor, and juice boxes strewn about after a practice, we’ll look for a home with a large living space and plenty of storage.

Above all, I encourage you to dream big when deciding what kind of home you want. Life in Hawaii is both unique and amazing. We want your home to be a place that makes Hawaii truly feel like home.

Contact a Realtor that Has Your Best Interest in Mind