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● Choose a quiet space with a neutral background. Try to have the light in front of you
● Familiarize yourself with the application beforehand.
● Make sure your computer/laptop or phone has full power or it is plugged in
● Make sure that your audio is right. We will test prior to going live.

● Adjust your camera so that it is at eye level or higher– experiment for best angles by going to your camera settings and recording yourself.
● Close any tabs that might make noises, turn off your push notifications, and close applications
that have pop-ups

Talking points

If you have a business:

How did you start? What problem are you solving?

What areas are your business serving?

What resources can you provide for people wanting to start a business?

Have you moved recently? What can you share about the Hawaiian culture?

What is your experience living in Hawaii?

Where do you live? What do you like most about living in Hawaii?

What is the one thing that most people don’t know about living in Hawaii?

What to provide prior to the interview

Please provide some talking points that you would like to include.

Send a headshot to to post on social media.

Interview Format